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"Creating a Full Media experience with exceptional value
to educate, entertain and inform the masses."

CDPublisher Corp. is dedicated to producing first quality services and CD disc content for entertainment, education, business and health. We optimize well-conceived production solutions to streamline tasks and timeframes, thus creating a first-rate product at a very competitive retail price. All products and services are designed specifically to completely satisfy our target consumers and businesses. We intend to maintain a business that will have a long-lasting profitable and positive impact for all of our associates, providing products that genuinely satisfy our customers for many years to come. We will update and streamline our production systems and products in accordance with new technologies and industry standards to maintain our position as a leading producer on the cutting edge of technology. The key to our success is teamwork that is born in a well-conceived plan communicated consistently and efficiently to all associates via updateable automated systems.


Chicago Office
1340 Enterprise Drive, Romeoville, IL 60441
Phone 630-759-4666
Fax 630-759-4846

San Diego Office
P.O. Box R, Del Mar, CA 92014
Fax 858-509-3907

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