Hear Dr. Escajeda's Endorsement on MP3 Audio: 2min
"This is a System That Literally Helps Patients Make the Right Choice..." - Dr. Richard Escajeda MD.

While nothing can actually take the place of a real product demonstration, this Internet web site will help you with some of the basic concepts of our ICS (interactive communications system) machine. Rather than hear us talk about it we think it's best if you download the actual endorsement from Dr. Richard Escajeda, of A Better You Plastic Surgery, in La Jolla.

The system has been rigorously field tested for two years in their office, without even one technical malfunction. According to the Doctor, the results have been very good and the recommendation is "the system should be part of every medical office."

There are just a few quick screen shots on this Website overview, and you can click on some of the buttons on the left. But please don't mistake this web page for the whole product, because we create custom products for you within our programming environment for your office - which are very extensive, complete and professional. Nothing is left undone. After the demonstration in your office, you'll be left with no doubt as to the application regarding your office. We highly recommend that you take the time (usually 30 minutes) to check out the demonstration. Call toll-free 866-4CD-DEMO for a product demonstration in your office.

Opening DEMO Screen - with a "floating video."

Here's the script from the our demo intro screen...

Hello, my name is Richard Johnson I'm the executive producer of Quantum Media. My job is to oversee the production and coordinate the talent of the people working on professional series interactive client service systems -- ICS Systems.

Over the last 20 years, I've worked with hundreds of medical professionals consulting to create systems to streamline the business side of their practice.

My experience indicates that most medical professionals overall, are among the most dedicated, educated, and sharpest people in the workforce. They are typically quite succinct regarding their side of communications and are quick to understand new concepts. I suppose that goes with the educational process required to attain a medical professional status.

But rumor has it that medical professionals can be a bit remiss on the business side of their practices, often spending more money than they should in some areas and not enough in others. To be fair, all business executives suffer the same fate all too often.

From the business side of a medical practice, the object is to make is much money as possible within a given period of time. The key is quite often efficiency and some offices have it and others don't. A perspective client or patient can see this the minute they walk into an office.

 There are essentially to ways to improve the bottom line of a medical practice:

1. Streamline procedures
2. Grow the practice sharing office expenses with more doctors

 Either way, the key is to delegate and duplicate procedures creating an improved efficiency wherever possible and that's where we come in. Our ICS system will instantly and automatically:

1. Delegate consulting and informational responsibilities
2. Improve the image of any waiting room
3. Track, systematize and automate your new patient files.

Essentially it's a beautifully produced show and tell machine that handles virtually all of the orientation information regarding your practice, procedures, equipment, staff, before and after pictures and even satisfied clientele if you want. And that's just the start. The most important concept is that the information is presented consistently and perfectly every time. Because we know from experience that a medical orientation process is anything but consistent on a day-to-day basis.

 Consistency creates and instant path to efficiency within any business situation.

 Point No. 2 is that new patients or patients requiring new services are going to have questions, sometimes a lot of questions. Answering those questions takes time. All medical professionals have a pretty good idea of the main issues regarding their practice, and if these issues can be explained upfront, than time is saved on the back end. And Time is all a medical professional has.

 You've heard it said that image is everything. A professional ICS System will automatically upgrade the image of any waiting room. And the capabilities are nearly limitless. These machines can be networked, link to the Internet, play audio, video ask questions, test, train, orient, -- anything they're programed for -- all in the name of making your practice more professional, streamlined and efficient.

New patients can fill out information right on the machine which instantly streamlines paper flow and filing. Now your patient information can be sorted in any imaginable way such as by medical condition, desired procedures, zip code, intervention, medical history -- you name it. If you want to find out something about your patient or client base, our ICS system will bring you the information instantly. That information will help you target your services and market your practice more efficiently than any other single thing you can do.

So to wrap up, the ICS System works like an extra arm and in office "know it all." It will show and tell clients, patients or other associates all about your practice, procedures, credentials, board certifications and any other technical information consistently and delivered perfectly on cue -- as well as provide instant background information regarding any aspect of your client or patient background. It tells your patients what they want to know and it tells you what you want to know about the patients

The purpose of the ICS System is twofold, 1, to make you money and 2, to save you money. We hope you enjoy the following demonstration of our incredible technology, and Thank you for your time and interest.

Here's a few Pictures of the system at A BETTER YOU