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10/28/99 CDPublisher Finalizes Medical Facilities Presentation Kiosk

CDPublisher Corp. has completed its first version of the medical facilities presentation kiosk and program. The purpose of the system is to decrease the amount of time required for medical professionals to screen and educate patients or prospective patients. The program includes complete multimedia capabilities allowing users to experience information related by doctors in the most realistic way possible. Patients actually get to hear their own doctors describe medical conditions, procedures as well as pre and post operative recommendations. Another great feature is the ability to display before and after pictures and videos so patients can review the information without requiring time from doctors at their initial appointments. The equipment was designed to save doctors ten or more hours per week by decreasing their prescreening workload. The product has been successfully tested an installed at A Better You Plastic Surgery center in La Jolla, California


1/18/00 CDPublisher Announces Gulf Atlantic Publishing Public Relations Campaign

CDPublisher Corp. has signed Gulf Atlantic Publishing to handle public relations for the company. Gulf Atlantic publishes the Financial Sentinel, Money World, and the Money Times, and primarily work with small cap stocks.

3/12/00 CDPublisher Corp. Announces The Automated Communication System

CDPublisher Corp. has designed an interface and software program which links a computer directly to a telephone handset. The interface and software were created to reduce business costs and enhance sales by assisting customer service and inside sales reps. "It's like having a friendly supervisor on hand at all times to field any customer question or situation. The system should pay for itself in as little as 60 days," according to Richard Johnson, CEO.

The ACS program, which stands for, automated communication system, operates on standard computer systems and was developed over a four year period and field tested for six months.

CDPublisher Corp. is currently creating an interactive program for the UCSD Orthomed Division and recently completed a large interactive program for Biomedia Inc., a chemical company located in Chicago. Call 1-888-MEDIA-04 for info or a live demonstration of the ACS over the phone.

5/24/00 CDPublisher Corp. Creates Authors Assistance Program

The new program allows CDPublisher editors to work with authors in order to visualize concepts in a storyboard fashion. The majority of the process occurs during a one time think-tank session during which authors share their ideas through a process of questions and answers. Illustrations are made on a storyboard and the information is formalized. The time involved, on the author's part, is minimal, and the sessions can usually be done over the phone.

6/1/00 CDPublisher Corp. Demonstrates Technologies At Book Expo 2000

CDPublisher Corp. has assembled a road show for Book Expo 2000, the largest of its kind in North America. CDPublisher will be demonstrating its combination CD-ROM and published book products as well as the integration of bundled software programs combining various consumer and business titles.

7/19/00 Dr. Richard Escajeda Joins CDPublisher Corp. As Medical Advisor

Dr. Richard Escajeda, frequently featured on local and national televisions talk shows such as ABC's "Home Show" and "The Susan Powter Show," has joined CDPublisher's Board of Advisors. Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a Fellow of The American College of Surgeons, Dr. Escajeda has been a practicing Plastic Surgeon for over 27 years. He has served as Assistant Professor of Surgery and Plastic Surgery at UCSD Medical School since 1980, where he has trained many of Southern California's Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Escajeda will assist CDPublisher with development of its medical programs and help direct distribution of future medically-oriented software and computer products.

8/15/00 CDPublisher Corp. And Brown Bag Sandwich Company Announce Joint Venture

CDPublisher Corp. and Brown Bag Sandwich Company of San Juan Capistrano, California have begun the process of formalizing a distribution network for compatible products. Brown Bag's two thousand plus retail outlets are well-suited for sales of CDPublisher products, and the companies have discussed the possibility of producing and packaging a product line targeting convenience stores, including the utilization of custom display systems to enhance retail marketing.

10/15/00 Burkhart and Burkhart Joins CDPublisher's Board of Advisors

The law firm of Burkhart and Burkhart, specializing in the development and processing of new technology patents, will be assisting CDPublisher with various patent applications for its new products as well as advising it on law-related products. Patrick N. Burkhart obtained his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and served as an Examiner in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office before entering private practice. The firm counsels a wide variety of international clients on various patent-related issues.

12/1/00 CDPublisher Corp. Releases Multi-Platform Holiday Music CD-ROM

CDPublisher Corp. announces the release of "Crystal Blue Symphony," ten traditional classics recorded direct to 24-bit digital for the highest range of clarity and widest range of digital tones available. The title also features the latest in integrated multimedia technology allowing sponsors and distributors to feature their promotional information directly on the same disk. The disk is packaged as a holiday greeting card with a combination music CD and CD-ROM placed inside, which can be played in a standard CD audio player or placed in a computer CD-ROM tray, where it combines the music with a custom company presentation and holiday greeting including any combination of information desired, including links to a website. Various software programs can also be included as gifts from the company packaging the disk as an option.

12/17/00 CDPublisher Corp. Creates Anti-Piracy Audio Technology

CDPublisher has finalized testing for an anti-piracy technology aimed squarely at the music industry. The technology allows the creation of a music CD containing standard audio files encrypted within an unrecognizable data block prohibiting easy computer MP3 conversions. The testing took place over a period of six months with virtually no playability problems in standard audio CD applications. CDPublisher plans to integrate this technology with its proprietary compression algorithms to further enhance universal marketability of the product.

1/30/01 CDPublisher Corp. Data Diet Software Featured In Beverly Hills Times

CDPublisher Corp.'s "Data Diet" software was featured in an article for the Beverly Hills Times. The software allows a dieter to carefully and automatically monitor calorie intake and exercise results and track specific diet and exercise programs, providing structure and science in a fun and easy way. It has been endorsed by numerous doctors as a realistic approach to better health and weight control, and is only one of a number of health and medical software aids being developed by CDPublisher.

6/25/01 CDPublisher Corp. Announces Spotlight Showcase Fundraiser Program

The Spotlight Promotions Program is an advertising/promotions publication that is packaged within a CD-ROM delivered to a specifically targeted consumer or business audience combined with a fund-raising program for nonprofit organizations. Each published edition includes only a handful of selected businesses, assuring a maximum level of exposure. The CD-ROM contains useful information about the selected nonprofit organization and spotlights the sponsoring businesses automatically as it is navigated. A campaign can be centered on the distribution of promotional CD-ROMs in conjunction with events, merchandising, ticket sales, or free handouts.

A Spotlight CD-ROM promotion can provide an actual, presentation for little as 25 cents each and can provide low cost opportunities for nonprofit fundraising and corporate sponsorship simultaneously.


9/13/01 CDPublisher Corp. Finalizes Software Direct

CDPublisher's announce the release of "Software Direct," a CD-ROM with over twenty encoded software programs. Each program comes with its own infomercial, a high-resolution video with audio that highlights and explains the software. A twenty-four hour fulfillment center and 800 phone number allows the consumer to select any desired software title, pay for it via credit card, and receive a special code that allows the program to be unlocked, de-compressed, and installed. At a cost of under $1 each, the software direct CD has a revenue potential in excess of $600. The CD-ROM also integrates CDPublisher's Spotlight Presentation Technology, allowing the participation of sponsors in the distribution chain.


5/4/02 CDPublisher Corp. Announces Movies, Games & More

CDPublisher Corp. has created a new line of entertainment products involving the conversion of feature films into movie game programs. The CD ROM programs for interactive game action will allow up to five games relating to the movie being played simultaneously, as well as the viewing of the entire feature film. CDPublisher is pioneering efforts to apply its proprietary and patented compression and conversion technology integrating popular game themes with feature films and entertainment. CDPublisher's real-time movie games create interest and excitement in the film by testing memory, skill, and general knowledge of the film, and lends itself to repeated viewing of the film, a fact that makes the software an excellent movie promotion vehicle.

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