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CDPublisher - News - 5/25/00

Dr. Archive - The 40 Hour Audio Organizer

CDPublisher Corp. is pleased to announce the offering of its new CD audio archiving service, called "Dr. Archive." This software and hardware driven system created by CDPublisher Corp. will enable individuals and businesses to organize, archive, categorize, sort, retrieve, and instantly find up to 40 hours of recorded audio information which will be digitized and formatted to a cross platform CD-ROM.

The audio files are archived/formatted to a multi platform CD-ROM allowing up to 40 hours of high-quality audio retrieval. CDPublisher has recently filed patents for its software and hardware interface which connect telephone networks and single telephone lines to a computer for hard drive recording. These interfaces allow individuals to record conversations remotely for unlimited time periods with no absolutely no recording equipment of any kind at their side. The recording process is activated entirely from a remote server via a third party conference line. The company also plans to release a personal interface and software version for individuals and businesses that would like to archive and compress their own audio files. CDPublisher Corp. will begin accepting orders for the Dr. Archive service starting the week of June 15th, 2000.

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