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CDPublisher - News - 5/25/00

Twenty-five "Full Media" Titles on One CD-ROM

CDPublisher Corp. is pleased to announce the successful completion of its compressed electronic book/interactive database software technology. The format is called "Full Media," which creates an incredibly complete information experience for readers and software users by intertwining data entry, audio, editable text, sorting, finding, archiving, graphic importing, organizing and even includes date and time reminder's. CDPublisher is currently in the process of contracting with a number of technical experts for additional input regarding various subject fields. The following subject fields have been successfully tested and formatted within this software framework. Dozens of more categories are expected to be added during the coming months.

Each of the titles are exceptionally value oriented, formatted to save users hundreds to thousands of dollars regarding important decisions regarding each particular subject category. Many of the titles will include a colorful book/booklet to be distributed with the title as well. Each CD ROM will include up to 25 titles, compressed and accessible via a password purchased from the CDPublisher web site or an 800 number operator.

The suggested retail sales price will range from $15.95 to $29.95. The titles will be available at selected retail outlets as well as the Web site. The titles will be sequentially released, scheduled for market sales starting 6/30/2000 through 9/30/2000. Note: (the following title names have not been formally finalized.)

The following list are subject category's that have been tested within our template framework and work perfectly. There are currently over 20 titles in production dealing with health, medical, education, business and hobby categories. Due to the template framework, our production capabilities have been enhanced dramatically allowing us to turn a completed product in a fraction of the time from just a year ago.
  1. Homeowners Property Accessor
  2. Renters Property Accessor
  3. Car Buyers Guide
  4. Home Buyers Guide
  5. Apartment Selection Guide
  6. Home Improvement Guide
  7. Business Bible for Startups
  8. Lawyer Selection Guide
  9. Garage Sale Bible
  10. Auction Guide
  11. College/University Selection Guide
  12. Husband Selection Guide
  13. Wife Selection Guide
  14. The Black Book -- a Rating System for Teens
  15. Homework Tracker -- Tracks Homework, Assignments, Notes for Every Type of Class
  16. Antique/Collectibles Assessor
  17. Car Collectors Assessor
  18. Coin Collectors Assessor
  19. Yearly Medical Profile -- Profiles and Tracks All Aspects of Your Health
  20. Selecting a Plastic Surgeon
  21. Stock Traders Assessor
  22. Business Property Assessor
  23. Pet Selection Guide
  24. The Before Vacation Bible
  25. My Music Collection
  26. My Art Collection
  27. The Gardners Data Journal
  28. The Bridal Planner

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