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Our publishing and distribution network is currently looking for authors, teachers, musicians/composers, and technical consultants for non-fiction titles. The market is on fire, and there is no way to know who or what subject will win at the check-out counter. The word is out and our agents are looking for content contributors to fit the bill. Maybe it's someone you know, work with, or maybe it's you....

Having a book/CD-ROM in retail circulation with your name on it, as the author, elevates you to a whole new level of respect within your own profession and social circle. It affects your clients, potential clients and anyone who does business with you, as well as the way people perceive you in general.

It is like telling the world you are no longer just an average participant within the vast magnitude of your profession or social surroundings. With published work, you distinguish yourself worldwide as someone who really has something to say about your field expertise.

When you're published, people consider you to be an expert for what you know, say and do. You have arrived. Let's say you're having a conversation at a social affair, business conference or just good old friends, but now you can tell them: "go to and a look at my authors profile and see all about me as well as my new book".

Being published can earn you a celebrity in your own right and often commands tremendous respect from those interested in your field. Also, what better way to leave a historical legacy of your interests to your family for generations to come.

Finally, there is the matter of royalties that can be earned, by contributors to publish works, from sales. Many authors have earned royalties that half kept on paying for many years.

How we work with you...
We like to sit down face-to-face in an initial interview where we can outline some concepts that are in your mind. Then we will work to visualize concepts in a storyboard fashion and start bringing it all together to help you express your concepts. The majority of what we do with you is during the one time opening session. We get you to start sharing your ideas and we start asking questions. Illustrations are made on the storyboard and it all just snowballs from there. The time involved, on the author's part, is minimal. Three days of accumulated time, spread out over a few weeks, is usually sufficient. The main thing needed is an initial interview and then some brief question/answer sessions. These sessions can usually be done over the phone a little at a time so that it really won't interrupt you or your current lifestyle. We have an editor present in the initial meeting to take down information in order to immediately begin the organization of the data. We turn over the audio portion of the interview to a stenographer so that the organized information is virtually press ready when it is returned to us. When that information is sent back to us and we put it into a full media format with some photographs, pictures and graphics, we are virtually half way home. At this point, you will see a dream starting to become a reality. The multimedia facets are all beginning to form around what we're doing and it's going to start getting very exciting. You can start feeling the reality of being able to tell people that there is a real book out there with your name on it as, "An Author".

Things to consider
Some of the main issues to consider are what positions will you take, as an author, as an associate producer, or both. Authors, and technical consultants typically do not contribute any capital to a publication project. But associate producer's do contribute capitalization and participate in a more extensive business arrangement than authors. Like in any business transaction, capital participation can be be anywhere from zero on up to what ever the associate producer wants to contribute depending upon their desired position.

Quite often, our initial introduction and promotions start at trade shows. At these shows, buyers for all of the major bookstore chains, worldwide, are present for the purpose of reviewing products and to place orders for new products on the market. These shows attract such giants as McMillan, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Crown Books, Dalton, Random House, and many more.

The RR Bowker Directory
This is the recognized reference directory of the industry for ordering products. Used by over 8000 public schools, universities and libraries as well as more than 4000 of the biggest book store chains in the country. Some of our past products have been showcased on the front inside full cover so that our products are the very first the entire industry will see.

General Promotions
The company has designed a complete promotions and marketing strategy designed to comply with the request made by such large chains as Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Comp USA and Crown Books for sales and distribution through these giants as well as many others. These advertising promotions, by the company, are designed to promote both the products as well as drive consumers to the retail outlets.

Obviously, there are no guarantees in the land of opportunity, but at the very least, content contributors of published works have built a very powerful and persuasive tool for generating and commanding greater respect within their field expertise.

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