Integrated Communications System
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What is I.C.S.?
I.C.S. Stands For: Integrated Communication System

I.C.S. is a patent pending computer-driven, interactive communications assistant created by CDP. The system interfaces between a rep and a customer. It delivers any requested information instantly in true, CD-quality human voice in any language you desire. I.C.S. speaks in a confident, professional manner addressing any issue a customer might have. I.C.S. is very easy to use and is 100% mouse-click driven. There is virtually nothing to learn regarding
technical usage. Operators simply click on what's wanted and the rest is automatic. The I.C.S. rep stays on the phone line with the customer to maintain personal contact and assists the customer by prompting information from the I.C.S.. Essentially, it's a 3-Way conversation between the customer, rep and computer. Just like on the starship, "Enterprise," someone asks the computer a question - it answers, although here, it is first prompted by a rep with a mouse click.
  1. A Customer calls in and speaks to an I.C.S. Rep.
  2. The I.C.S. Rep speaks with the Customer.
  3. The Rep activates the I.C.S System based on Customer requests.
  4. The I.C.S. System responds with a (real human voice) to both the Rep and Customer.

I.C.S. is a system designed to assist, train and support sales, customer & technical service and management training personnel. It's like having a supervisor or manager on hand at all times to address any issue a client, prospect or employee might have.

Think Of The Possibilities:

  • Launch a new sales campaign
  • Offer customer services or sales in a foreign language
  • Have part and piece descriptions ready at the tip of the tongue
  • Offer extended customer service
  • Clone technical expertise for mass distribution
  • Decrease number of employees
  • Offer high-end technical support
  • Rollout of a new product
  • Test market or introduce new concepts and products
  • Offer instructional assistance of any type
  • Offer special services to distinctive markets
  • Offer secure services you don't want at your present location
  • Offer Recruiting Information
  • Offer General Information and Q and A Services
The live demonstration says it all. Give us a call an arrange for a live demo today.
You'll be amazed - we promise! 1-888-633-4204

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