The Gift of Voice
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There are millions of people who face the challenge of restricted communications or the inability to effectively communicate with their own voice. Obviously a challenge such as this substantially decreases ones marketability and viability in the workplace. The obstacles range from physical, medical and speech disabilities to language incompatibilities. Regardless of the situation, the inability to effectively communicate through voice, poses a significant restriction upon anyone.

Introducing the Integrated Communications System

The Integrated Communications System created by CDPublisher, can provide a voice to those in need and a phenomenal expertise regarding any subject at hand. Imagine the joy experienced of a speech-impaired individual able to field technical questions for a complicated piece of business equipment. Imagine that same person delivering important customer service information professionally, perfectly on cue and with a voice that consistently communicates confidence and poise.

The Gift of Voice is not a dream but it is a technological reality today, in the form of a patent pending interface that connects computers to telephone lines and systems. A virtually unlimited number of preformatted responses are provided in any language as well as vocal styling including accents, male or female voices, and even age-oriented voices from children to senior citizens.

Fully Trained in Less Than One Day

The Gift of Voice -- ICS Operators can be fully trained in less than one day and the system is virtually unlimited as to upgradability. It's a system that will save businesses very large percentages in reception operations, sales, customer service, and technical service departments. After all, ICS operators are provided with a fully functional, professionally prepared system for handling virtually any preconceived subject or situation.

Instant - Installation

Required hardware and software install instantly and do not require any technical computer expertise. In most cases the installation is essentially "plug-in and play."

Training Applications

ICS Operators are literally self-trained simply by using the system during real applications. They will automatically become familiar with subject matter and responses based on average repetition. That means that the system can also train individuals on-the-job, saving businesses training time, cost, and eliminating employee turnover headaches.

Not Limited to Vocally Impaired

The ICS system was developed partially to assist those in need of a voice, but in a very practical sense, can be instantly applied to any sales, customer service, and technical service department. All levels of customer service representatives are able to increase their product support potential to an unlimited number of products utilizing the ICS system. The ICS system lays the groundwork and foundation for any sales, customer service or technical service department and trains representatives automatically while serving customers perfectly, with absolutely no downtime.

So Much More

Why read about the Gift of Voice - via the Integrated Communications System, when you can experience it for yourself. Call now, for a demonstration. We are absolutely certain you'll be amazed with the possibilities and performance of our system.

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