Promo Disk
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Promo Disks
Overview for CDPublisher’s PROMO Disc

Now you can save thousands of dollars you are spending unnecessarily on all of your promotional literature - and create a more impressive impact at the same time!

The money you will save includes all you are currently spending on creating, designing, printing and distributing all of your paper-based literature. Not only that, you could also save all of the money you are spending on video, audio production and duplication for your business or organization.

CDPublisher can transfer your existing promotional content in all its forms - text, graphics, audio and video - on to a CD-ROM of any size and shape. We work with you to create and program a customized PromoDisc that works for you - from a standard business card to a full multimedia presentation with hot links to your company’s Web site!

Here is a checklist of potential components for a PROMO Disc:

  • Text
  • Audio Track (e.g., narration of text)
  • Graphics/Art (e.g., company logo, charts, etc.)
  • Video (e.g., client testimonials)
  • Soundtrack/music
  • Jingle/lead in, trailer music-composed, produced and recorded
  • Interface design — sets the image for the card
  • Link to Web Site
  • Integration with other programs such as databases
  • Customization/pass code authorization
  • Platform choices, PC and Mac

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